Tuesday 24 April 2007

Good Evening Comrade

Last night I won the converted Linux Wireless WPA Challenge (I may blog about this at a later date) and rather excited about my victory bounded kitchen-ward to grab a coke. Upon my arrival at the aforementioned kitchen I found my housemate making dinner, this was not unusual as my housemate lives there and I just happened to mention of my successes on the Linux front.

At first my housemate noted that I was positively euphoric, and then quickly said that the only time he had seen me this happy was when I was to quote “really drunk”, this being a reference to my state after last years office Christmas party during which time I was reportedly “sociable”, “talkative” “having a good time” and “shitfaced”.

After effectively demonstrating that I was indeed not drunk, my somewhat politically conservative housemate asked “have you ever thought about Communism”, this question at the time seemed a lot like “have you ever thought about suicide” or “have you ever thought about using a Mac”. Apparently the idea of Open Source Software seemed communistic to him, whist it is a bit socialistic Linux is very much a free market application, just one with few restrictions and can be used in the making of much money very effectively which IMO is very anti-communistic. For a better analogy please see here.

So this got me thinking on Communism in general, I think Soviet Russia proved that Communism however simple will not work. I don’t believe that as a race Humans are evolved enough mentally to be able to handle a truly egalitarian state. It the whole “the grass is greener on the other side” paradox, although someone’s neighbour possesses exactly the same house and all the same furniture that someone will still think that his neighbour still has more and will take measures to possess what his neighbour has. I firmly believe in what Winston Churchill once uttered about government.

Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others we have tried
Besides, if we all were the same I'd probably kill everyone else out of boredom

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