Saturday 28 April 2007

Remix This

I am sick of remixes

No, really sick. Not just tired but sick, dry reaching, bile tasting, vomiting with diarrhoea kind of sick. Just today I heard Riders on the Storm, as done by the doors in some kind of mutated twisted fashion. Such a classic song was remixed with some kind of dance beat, the kind normally consisted of white noise played a various volume levels. A true horror to behold as this hideous beat continued to be played behind Morrison as he sang Riders on the Storm. For once the song was not chopped up into pieces and then re-arranged as some kind of audible Frankenstein, no this was merely adding some horrific background noise to ruin what was a perfectly good song. This is the latest of many audio abominations, horrific mutilations and musical monstrosities that have been produced by people without the talent to so much as play an instrument. Continuing to use such as source material like Sweet Child (GNR) and Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana).

What makes someone do this, what turns an ordinary person into a mutilator of good music, is it hatred or fear, the desire to be heard or perhaps its just jealousy, the feelings of inadequacy that they get when they listen to musical talent that is so much better than their own.

Some people insist on latching on to other peoples work, there was some kind of techno-esque massacre committed to Sweet Child not so long ago but by far and away the worst single instance of this crime seen to date has to be Destinys child's complete raping of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit. What's more is that they and others like them continue to do this to the works of dead people, people who managed to live far greater lives and had far more talent than the hacks that insist on leaching off the greatness of long since past musicians.

I would seek retribution, punishment for the crime, I would see Destiny's Child and all of their ilk sent to the same place I'm planning to send the RIAA, all the rappers and Hugh Jackman. An inescapable island in a inhospitable land where no-one will ever be subjected to the crimes these people have inflicted upon humanity. I would consider such an act to be a public service.

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