Sunday 8 April 2007

Pro Virtus odio bardus

I was on the bus the other day, an uncouth teenager who looked like a cross between a skinhead and a vegan bounded on just as the doors were closing. after the usual exchange of money for passage the bus began to disembark. As this was happening the uncouth teen began to speak in a rather exited tone with a rather dull voice "there's someone running for the bus", "driver, there's someone running for the bus". The driver continued to turn unfazed by this turn of events I fully expected the youth in question to take a seat as any normal person would not have bothered notifying the driver of such events.

But he did not.

the youth continued to petition the driver 'but sir, there's someone running for the bus. But this point we were around the corner and the runner in question would have no doubt have given up on his pursuit and the youth continued unabated "there's someone running for the bus". He kept going until the driver asked him to stop. Now this person sounded like a complete tool, I think I can speak for the other 3 passengers at the time where this person should have just shut up. As he walked past me and took a seat I got to thinking, he despite being obviously mentally deficient must have had some idea of how stupid he looked and then it hit me.

He knew,

He just didn't care.

At that point I changed my opinion of this young man, it must have required an incredible amount of balls for him to stand up and do what he did. A display of bravery in the face of utter stupidity, it would have cost him nothing to simply sit down and shut up, but he didn't, he continued until his quest was complete and despite failure the valour of such an act continued to shine through.

As the old saying goes,
"The heroic can never be common nor the common heroic"
I would wish to award this man the "Victoria Spanner" the highest award that can be given for an act of retardedness. "Pro Virtus odio bardus" For Valour Despite Stupidity, this young man personifies those words and on some level I admire his bravery.

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